How to Lose Belly Fat | Mistakes to Avoid

 Hi everyone, welcome to my blog. Today we're going to talk about how we can lose belly fat and the mistakes that prevent us from doing so.

How to Lose Belly Fat | Mistakes to Avoid
How to Lose Belly Fat | Mistakes to Avoid

The Role of Cardio and Strength Training

When we want to lose general fat from the whole body, we've always been told that we have to do cardio exercises, and that's been made crystal clear to us. 

It's great to do cardio because it allows us to burn more calories, but we also have to do strength training because cardio requires more cardio. In addition, we need to have a toned body so that it doesn't become flaccid and is much more beautiful.

Localized Fat and Exercise

But when we want to lose localized fat, which is today's topic, we get confused and we're always going to do one. It's very common to do localized exercises, that is, abdominals. 

It's great to work the core area because it allows us to have a more toned body, avoid injuries, avoid back pain, and improve sports performance. 

But if what we want and our goal is to lose excess fat, it's not going to be enough. To do this, we need to have a caloric deficit.

Creating a Caloric Deficit

And how do we create a caloric deficit? Well, by eating less and spending more, balancing the scales so that our body can burn excess fat. Each person has to consume a certain number of calories a day, depending on their metabolism, age, weight, height, and how dynamic their day is. 

Once you know the calories you should consume each day, you can create your deficit. I don't advise you to create a deficit of more than 500 calories because, for health reasons, it is recommended to lose approximately half a kilo a week, which would be about 3,500 calories a week less, which would be approximately 500 calories a day.

Avoiding Empty Calories and Increasing Activity

My advice is not to just cut them out of your diet, but to avoid empty calories, those calories that don't provide us with nutrients, and to burn more calories with exercise and making your day much more dynamic.

Understanding Fat Loss and Patience

Another very common mistake we make is to think that we can lose localized fat. For this reason, we may always do these exercises in the area where we want to lose. We can tone that localized area, but we can't decide to burn fat only there. 

When you do a calorie deficit, you lose general fat and there may be areas that are a little more difficult and resist. So you have to be patient and take it easy, because weight loss is not something progressive. 

It may be that at the beginning, when you start, you lose a little more fat and see results sooner. Then you may have periods of stagnation and periods where everything goes swimmingly.

The Problem with Strict Diets

Another very common mistake that we make because of the rush and anxiety to obtain results is to end up with very strict diets. When you are hungry, your body sees that you are taking away food and it goes into reserve, blocking those fats. 

Also, when you later go back to eating normally or return to your usual habits, what it does is absorb more just in case you take them away again. So that does not work.

The Impact of Stress

Another thing that is a total enemy of abdominal fat, because it is an area where fat is stored, is stress. Stress does the same thing as when we do a very strict diet: it blocks fats and it is much more difficult to burn them, it takes a little more effort. 

In addition, that makes you desperate. Therefore, I advise you to look for ways to relax, to channel all your emotions, to understand and know yourself in order to give your body the tranquility it is looking for. If you are always stressed, you are always very tense, it can be bad for many things, but above all it can work against you when it comes to achieving your goals.

Emotional Control and Lifestyle

There is nothing more important than controlling your emotions because, although it may seem unrelated, it is closely linked. Feel good on the outside and you will be good on the inside. 

Another thing that is also closely linked and that also blocks your fats is having high insulin, which we cause with an unhealthy lifestyle: eating too much sugar, not moving, stress, all of this is closely linked.

Breaking the Vicious Cycle

A vicious circle of stress, high insulin, and extreme diets are created because you get anxious about wanting to eat. It is a circle that we have to get out of. Control and decision are necessary. Now, I am going to change the way I am going, I am going to take it easy, I

 am going to know where I am going and do things with reason, not without haste, but being firm with the goal that we have, which is the key. The commitment has to be maximum and we are going to have to make a small effort because we are in the most comfortable zone.

The Importance of Consistency and Commitment

That is, when we end up doing the easy thing, on the couch, not moving, eating poorly, it's hard to get out of there because that's the easy thing. So it's going to be hard at first. 

I always say that the hardest thing is to start, and if you're clear that it's going to take you some time, if you're clear that it's better to do it easier at the beginning, everything will go smoothly. 

You have to change the way you do it, don't obsess, and don’t want everything right away. Don't push yourself too hard at the beginning because if you do it more slowly but with commitment, you can achieve your goals.

Essential Tips for Success

It's super important to sleep to regenerate the body and have energy for the next day. It's super important to drink water. Water alone won't make us lose weight, but it helps us with the whole process of eliminating fat. So drink and make an effort to drink those two liters of water.

Don't eliminate food groups like carbohydrates; good carbohydrates are necessary for your body to have energy. But eliminate all those refined foods, all those ultra-processed foods. Try to eat clean, try to eat better and move more. That's the key.

No Miracles, Just Commitment

Don't expect me to tell you something miraculous in this article, a three-day express diet to eliminate excess fat, a miracle cream. No, there is nothing that will make you achieve your goals on its own. If you commit yourself and try to do things right, everything will come.


In this article we learned that losing belly fat requires a balanced approach. This includes proper exercise, calorie reduction and a healthy lifestyle. Cardio and strength training are essential for overall fat loss and body toning. While patience and consistency are the keys to achieving lasting results. Always try to avoid the damages of strict diet and high stress. Because they can stop your body from breaking down fat.

Apart from maintaining emotional balance, controlling insulin levels and relieving stress, it is also important to give up bad eating habits. Commit to gradual changes, stay hydrated. Ensure restful sleep to help your body regenerate. Remember, there is no miracle solution - only consistent adherence to healthy habits will get you to your goals. With dedication and the right mindset, you can achieve a better, healthier life.

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