How To Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Days With The Fruit Diet?

 How to Make a Fruit Diet?

Weight gain, which is one of the biggest health problems brought by modern life. It affects the quality of life of people and makes it easier to catch other diseases. Every day a new diet is added to the lineup of diets promising to make you thin.

Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Days With Fruit Diet!
Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Days With Fruit Diet!

Fruits that provide a lot of health benefits have their own place in these diets. In this article, we'll discuss how to make a fruit diet? one of the most popular weight loss programs in recent times.

Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Days With Fruit Diet!

The fruit diet—a single-food regimen—is one of the shock diet types. Doctors do not recommend this diet for long-term use. A fruit-diet provides an average of 1000 calories per day. It should be consumed for a maximum of 3 days or for as long as 12 days, if desired. If your doctor or nutritionist decides it is right for you, the Diet can lead to weight loss of 10 pounds in 3 days.

The fruit diet, with its array of colorful fruits, is also called a colorful diet. This diet is recommended for people who love fruit and want a natural way to lose weight.

Tropical Fruits, 10 Different Fruits You've Never Seen Before

A fruit-based diet is not a diet of fruit alone. But to suppress the feeling of hunger. This diet includes limited quantities of bread, potatoes, pasta, yoghurt, rice and cheese. It is also important to do daily sports activities to achieve success with this diet.

People who do not get results with fruit diets. They often do not include exercises and sport activities in their daily routines. For example, walking, swimming and cycling for 45 minutes or an hour daily helps you lose weight.

  • Green fruits for the first 3 days in the fruit diet,
  • Yellow fruits for the next 3 days,
  • Third 3 days red fruits
  • In the last 3 days, mixed colored fruits are concentrated.
  • Drink plenty of linden tea , green tea, cinnamon tea and at least 3 liters of water daily.

Fruit Diet List

The fruit diet is a three-day diet that consists of four stages. It is a very easy diet, since it lasts twelve days in total.

Let's answer the question, how to make a fruit diet and what to eat?

First Three Days Of Fruit Diet For Weight Loss:

The first three days of the fruit diet, you are to eat only green fruits. To achieve the desired results more easily, the number of fruits in the diet is important. 

Include cucumber, kiwi, pear, green apple and pineapple for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Eat a green apple with 1 glass of nonfat yogurt in breakfast. 1 portion of boiled lean rice for lunch. 

Two kiwis, 1 green apple and cucumber for afternoon snack. And steamed fish with olive oil, 2 boiled potatoes and 2 slices of pineapple for dinner.

Second Three Days Of Fruit Diet For Weight Loss:

The second 3 days is the yellow fruit diet. Yellow fruits such as melons, oranges, peaches, apricots and bananas are the staples of the diet. 

Breakfast is 2 peaches and 1 glass of nonfat yogurt. Snack is 2 dried apricots. Lunch is 1 boiled potato, tomato, a slice of melon and 1 slice of cheese. 

Afternoon snack is five apricots and one peach. Dinner is a plate of tomato Fat-free spaghetti with sugar-free peach compote.

Third Three Days Of Fruit Diet For Weight Loss:

The third three-day diet is the red fruit diet. Plum, grape, watermelon and strawberry are popular fruits. Breakfast 1 bunch of grapes, 1 bowl of non-fat yoghurt with muesli. 

Snack a bowl of cherries. Lunch a bowl of rice boiled with milk, green salad, a few slices of salami and 1-2 plums. Snack 1 large slice of watermelon. 

Dinner with tomato, steamed fish, two boiled potatoes, a bowl of strawberries and 2 prunes. 

Last Three Days Of Fruit Diet For Weight Loss:

The last three days are mixed fruit diet. In this diet, you can eat all fruits by mixing them without exceeding the portion amounts. Only an extra bowl of nonfat yogurt is recommended in the last 3 days.

Enrich Your Fruit Diet For Weight Loss:

The diet can be enriched with fruit desserts. By using the fruit sugar found in the fruit itself, prepare recipes without refined sugar. 

For example, you can enjoy your warm dessert after turning the apples with a little cinnamon in a pan. Use very little oil and sprinkling walnuts on it.

How to Make a Fruit Juice Diet?

  • The juice diet is also known as the detox diet . There are 3 day, 5 day and 7 day variants. In the 3-day detox diet, fruit juices, vegetable juices and soup are used for 3 days.
  • On this diet, you drink only liquids three times a day and eat no solid foods at all. The purpose of this diet is to cleanse the body and especially the intestines.
  • The 5-day and 7-day fruit detox diet allows limited intake of solid foods such as eggs, yogurt, cheese, and fish. In the fruit juice diet, at least 2-3 liters of water should be consumed.
  • The amount of salt is reduced to a minimum to prevent edema. All caffeinated and carbonated beverages that cause water retention in the body are excluded from the diet.
  • The number of meals is increased to 6, with 3 main meals and 3 snacks. Exercise is important, at least 30 or 45 minutes of walks a day are recommended. All vegetables and fruits should be in liquid form by passing through the blender.
  • In 5 and 7-day detox diets, 2 glasses of yogurt or kefir can be added to the main meals. In addition, grilled and boiled fish can be consumed.
  • For those who want to lose weight with a fruit diet, may face the risk of regaining the weight they lost. If they do not integrate healthy nutrition and sports into their lives in the long run.

Weight Loss Tips with Fruit Diet

  • Losing a few pounds with a fruit diet can be effective in the short-term. However, it is difficult to follow the diet for a long time. If you do not maintain the right amounts, the diet will fail.
  • Not eating enough fats and proteins can lead to muscle loss and disorders in metabolism.
  • It is important to consume enough protein-containing foods. Such as cheese, eggs, meat, yoghurt, chicken and fish along with the fruits included in the fruit diet lists.
  • Consume yogurt to get the necessary minerals and protein, when taking a fruit diet.
  • It is recommended that the weight loss program with fruit diet should not be done for more than 12 days. Those who wish can apply the 3-day fruit diet list with the approval of the nutritionist.
  • By doing a 12-day fruit diet every two months, during a 6-month period. You can set a healthy nutrition program on the other days and lose weight.
  • On the other hand, not everyone is a good candidate for the fruit-based diet. For example, if you are overweight and have been unable to reduce your weight to a healthy level with "traditional" diet plans. We recommend that you consult with a professional nutritionist. Who can help you create a meal plan that will be right for your body.

Fruit Vegetable Diet and Dry Fruit Diet

  • Along with supporting foods, there is a fruit and vegetable diet as well as a fruit diet .
  • This diet is prepared with high fiber content of fruits and vegetables. It can provide a feeling of satiety. Vegetables are consumed as boiled and using almost zero oil.
  • Eat fruits like pears, apples and quince with their skins on—they are nutritious and tasty.
  • In this diet, 4-5 walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are recommended per day . Use Fruits, vegetables, dairy products, grilled or boiled meat, chicken and fish in limited quantities.
  • Dry fruit diet made using oil seeds can be used for 3 or 5 days. You can make a dried fruit diet with dried fruits such as dried figs, dried apricots, prunes. You can also consider seeds such as walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and squash. Raw dry fruit and seed will be used and should not be roasted and salty.
  • 1100 grams of walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts are packed together in 5 servings of 100 grams each. One serving can be consumed in a meal. In this diet, 1 glass of red or white wine can be drunk.
  • This type of diet is also known as the fruit detox diet. Because it is easier for the body to renew itself. Thanks to the fiber in the food list and the foods that ignite the digestion. Thus, you will feel more dynamic with the detox effect.

Fruit Diet Harms and Side Effects

  • Fruit diet has a monotonous content. Consuming the same foods after a while can be annoying. Lack of other nutrients that the body needs can lead to diseases.
  • Although it is motivating because high weight loss is experienced in a short time. But it is not possible to ensure its continuity. Moreover, the weight lost in a short time does not go from fat, weight is lost from lean muscle mass.
  • When the old diet is returned, the lost weight is gained very quickly, and even more weight gain is observed.
  • Fruits are not so innocent in terms of calories. Fruits consumed throughout the day may exceed the daily calorie requirement. Due to the high carbohydrate content, an increase in fat is observed around the waist.
  • The sugar in fruits is simple carbohydrates called fructose. Simple carbohydrates suddenly raise and lower blood sugar. It also makes you hungry faster.
  • If the fruit diet program is done for much longer than the specified days, negative results may occur.
  • Since fruits are generally high in carbohydrates and fats. But they are low in protein, the body balance can be disturbed. To avoid this problem, the fruit diet can be strengthened with protein-containing foods.
  • Fruit diet is a type of diet that has harmful effects and is not recommended for a long time.
  • For lasting weight loss, it’s best to seek help from a dietitian or your doctor.


It can be said that a diet based on fruits will not only help you lose weight. But also improve your overall health and make you strong and beautiful.

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  1. Here is the concept of the diet. Every day, you eat at least 8 pieces of fruit of each colour. Every 2 days, you combine those that can be combined to create a new fruit colour.

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